Thursday, 13th February 2025

Site News

30/Jan/2011 - And now for the news and weather...

The sidebar on the main page is now positively bursting with new stuff.  As well as the "recent results" bit that I added a while ago we now have a three day weather section and the lastest BOF news.  The weather data is for the thirteen towns across Cornwall for which the BBC supplies data and is randomly chosen each time the page refreshes.  The lastest news from BOF has also been supplied, courtesy of their RSS feed.  And now for the sport...

23/Mar/2010 - Results - Regular

Phew!  The results based excitement just will not give up.  Age classes have now been added to the regular results tables.  These are generated from the results files produced at each event, meaning that those age classes that are missing are not in the file.  If you notice any mistakes then let the web admin know and it will get investigated.

Note:  Age class generation is current  - i.e. if you look at results from years gone by it will display the person's current age class, since it is calcualted from the birth year and the current year.  This is probably not desirable, so this may get changed...

15/Mar/2010 - Results - Splits (Again)

Improvements to the results continue apace.  The code that processes the results has been rewritten and is now handled server-side in a much more satisfactory way.  This is probably of very little interest to you, and quite rightly so, but believe you me, it is jolly exciting.  What might capture the imagination slightly more is the fact that the fastest three splits on each leg are now highlighted.  Also columns for min/km and time difference to winner have been added.  Happy days.

09/Mar/2010 - Results - Splits

The splits pages of the results now show the split times for each leg, rather than the cumulative time which we had previously.  Splendid.  The results tables are now sortable; so you can have masses of fun seeing how much you beat everyone on number four, or just how slow you really were on the run in compared to everyone else.  Tremendous.

More improvements to follow.

Comments and suggestions always welcome via the contact page.

15/Feb/2010 - Results : The Roadmap

The results section of the website is perhaps the most important - after all there is nothing a bunch of orienteers likes to do more than engage in a bit of results based geekery.

With this in mind, the continued development of the website will focus on improving the results section.  Frankly, at the moment it's not quite up to scratch - currently, for example, the splits show only cumulative time rather than actual splits.  This is not really what we want, and this will be the first thing to be looked at.  After that, in the fullness of time, the plan is to add some features such as fastest splits, results graphing and run-in time comparisons; lots of lovely stuff to fuel some proper analysis.

So, if you have any good ideas for the types of things you'd like to see done, please feel free to get in touch with the web admin via the contact form.

05/Feb/2010 - New Website Launched


In this section news relating to the website itself will be posted.   This will include details of new features, bug fixes and suggestions from users.

Currently there are issues when the website is viewed in Internet Explorer 7.  IE8 and other modern browsers are fully supported; details can be found on the Site Details page.

Thanks for visiting.

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