Portugal Orienteering Meeting, 2017, Phil & Adele Newall
This year it was situated in the Portalegre/Crato area about 2 hours northeast of Lisbon and is one the first big international orienteering meetings of the year and includes a World Ranking event. Thus, it attracts a very high quality field (over 1,000 Scandinavians), 36 countries represented in total (including over 70 Brits) amongst the 2,500 competitors.
Great terrain, fantastic maps and a world-class field, coupled with good weather - you can't go wrong!
Read Phil's report of how they got on POM 2017
Portugal Orienteering Meeting, 2016, Phil & Adele Newall
After such a good time last year the Newalls returned for the Portuguese Orienteering Meeting.
Read how they got on this time. POM 2016
British Night Championships, 2015, Phil & Adele Newall
For Phil, a long trip back from Kazakhstan on Friday preceded the drive up to Leeds from Cornwall on the Saturday. The competition area was a forested park, with some large open areas, and also as a bit of a novelty, a recently decommissioned golf course!
Read Phil's report of how they got on BNC2015
Portugal Orienteering Meeting, 2015, Part 1 - Phil & Adele Newall
Read Phil's report of how they got on POM 2015 part 1
Portugal Orienteering Meeting, 2015, Part 2 - Chris Moncaster
... and here's Chris's version POM 2015 part 2

Phil Newall negotiates a puddle

Phil on the run-in

Chris at his 2nd event

Kerno members in action

Members of Cornwall Orienteering Club winning the Dorset Coast Path relay 2012